Less than 24 hours to go

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Weather and trails are perfect for riding right now.

A couple of quick reminders:

  • Please arrive by 8 am to ensure a smooth registration process.
  • Please link your Strava account by clicking here. This ensures you will be included in the KOM/QOM competition.
  • There will be 3 waves based on your selection when you registered, each with neutral roll out about 15 minutes apart.
  • Please download the course to your GPS device. We will also be doing our best to mark the course this evening with flour and colored flags and we will have volunteers on course to assist at some points.
  • We will have GU handups at the intersection of Brandon and Skyline (see older post below this one for full details).
  • After crossing the footbridge, Go left on Cameron Loop, not right.
  • Finally: Have fun, be safe and bring your bathing suit!